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Read previewThe collapse of Baltimore's Francis Scott Key bridge could lead to the biggest losses in the history of marine insurance, the bosses of Lloyd's of London warned on Thursday. "The tragedy has the capacity to become the largest single marine insurance loss ever," the commercial insurance market's chairman Bruce Carnegie-Brown said in an interview with Reuters. Related stories"I would say it's certainly going to be one of the largest marine losses in history, of that there is little or no doubt," he said. Barclays analysts estimate that the disaster could lead to $3 billion in insurance claims, while Morningstar DBRS put the figure at $4 billion. AdvertisementBoth of those figures would surpass the $1.5 billion losses triggered by the Costa Concordia disaster.
Persons: , Baltimore's Francis Scott Key, Bruce Carnegie, Brown, John Neal, Neal, Dali, Morningstar DBRS Organizations: Service, Reuters, Business, BBC Radio, Maersk, Barclays Locations: London, Costa Concordia, Italy
Marine insurance companies will be on the hook for much of the costs. These insurance companies are backed by insurance companies of their own – a type of business known as a reinsurer. The potential cost of insurance claims from the bridge collapse could be between $1 billion and $3 billion, analysts at Barclays wrote in a note Wednesday. “But other than that, the economic impact of what has happened will be enormous, but not recoverable from the ship,” Davies said. Maryland lawmakers, meanwhile, are drafting an emergency bill to provide income replacement for Port of Baltimore workers impacted by the bridge collapse.
Persons: Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key, , John Miklus, Dali, Brendan Holmes, Miklus, Loretta Worters, Worters, Martin Davies, ” Davies, Joe Biden, Francis Scott Key, it’s, ” Biden, Scott Olson, Davies, Bill Ferguson Organizations: New, New York CNN, American Institute of Marine Underwriters, , Barclays, Grace Ocean, Britannia, Indemnity, International Group, International, CNN, Insurance, Costa, Maritime Law Center, Tulane University, “ Maersk, Federal Highway Administration, Infrastructure Investment, Jobs, Biden, . Workers, Robins, Repair, Port, Maryland Locations: New York, Singapore, Costa Concordia, Italy, Danish, Baltimore , Maryland, Maryland, Baltimore
Huge insurance claims are expected after the Dali collided with a major bridge on Tuesday. The claims could be on par with the $1.5 billion from the Costa Concordia disaster, an expert told Insurance Business. AdvertisementThe marine insurance industry is bracing for huge claims from Tuesday's Baltimore bridge disaster. AdvertisementThe marine insurance and reinsurance markets are likely to foot most of the bills, S&P Global reported on Tuesday. The Baltimore bridge itself is insured by insurance giant Chubb, per Insurance Insider.
Persons: Dali, , Francis Scott Key, John Miklus, Miklus, Costa Concordia's, You've, Cintia Nazima, Chubb, SCOR Organizations: Business, Insurance, Service, American Institute of Marine Underwriters, Costa Concordia, Maryland Transportation Authority, Wall, P Global, Britannia Locations: Costa Concordia, Tuesday's Baltimore, Costa, Italy, Baltimore, Dali's Baltimore, Britannia, London, Suez
Love them or loathe them, giant cruise ships are among the most remarkable success stories of the mass tourism age. Rechristened the Mardi Gras, the first Carnival cruise ship sailed out of Miami that March. Cruise ships like the Icon of the Seas will spend the majority of their trip at sea. Eight years later, cruise ships such as the Diamond Princess became early incubators for COVID-19. Cruise Market Watch forecasts there will be 360 cruise ships in service at the end of this year, comprising less than 1% of the global commercial fleet.
Persons: Ted Arison, Arison, Pieter De Boer, Costa, Diamond, Aaron Saunders, We've, Sue Bryant, Z, sass, Emma Le Teace, YouTuber, David Foster Wallace, Harper's, Sarah Knorr, Bryan Comer, Karla Hart, Hart, Saunders, it's, Henry Wismayer Organizations: Port, Passengers, Mardi Gras, Mardi, Gras, Cruise, Royal Caribbean, Costa Concordia, Cruise Lines International Association, Broadway, CivicScience, Royal, Virgin, Business, Transport & Environment, Getty, International Council, Global Cruise, Global Cruise Activist Network, Cruise Market, Royal Caribbean International, New York Times, National Geographic, Financial Times Locations: Port of Miami, Caribbean, Miami, The Port, Tuscany, Italy, Royal Caribbean, TikTok, Panama, Bahamas, Brussels, Netherlands, Douarnenez, Venice, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Amsterdam, Juneau , Alaska, Skagway , Alaska, CocoCay, London
3 reasons why the Titanic will never be raised
  + stars: | 2023-06-26 | by ( Jenny Mcgrath | )   time to read: +6 min
The Titanic sank in 1912, and ever since people have wanted to salvage it. Its lack of structural integrity is just one of three main reasons why the Titanic is destined to remain sunk forever. The Titanic wreck site is a gravesiteApproximately 1,500 people lost their lives in the sinking of the Titanic. "NOAA recognizes the Titanic wreck site as a maritime memorial and supports Article 4(1) of the 'Agreement Concerning the Shipwrecked Vessel R.M.S. "Captain's bathtub is a favorite image among the Titanic enthusiasts, and that's now gone," Titanic historian Parks Stephenson said in a statement in 2019.
Persons: it's, , Daniel Stone, Monica Allen, James Cameron, who's, Eva Hart, rusticles, Halomonas, Lori Johnston, Clare Fitzsimmons, Captain Edward Smith's, that's, Parks Stephenson, Xavier Desmier, Charles Smith, Ethan Miller Organizations: Service, NOAA, Titanic Inc, CBS News, New York Times, Titanic, Institute for Exploration, University of Rhode, Materials, USA, Newcastle University, BBC, Costa Concordia, Architectural Locations: Britain, University of Rhode Island, Las Vegas, Luxor, It's
Veneția a interzis circulația navelor de croazieră în lagună
  + stars: | 2021-04-05 | by ( )   time to read: +2 min
Sursa foto: PixabayVeneția a interzis circulația navelor de croazieră în lagunăGuvernul italian a decis că navele mari de croazieră și navele portacontainer trebuie să ocolească centrul istoric al Veneției și să acosteze într-o altă locație, pentru a păstra faimoasa lagună. Între timp, navele mari trebuie să acosteze în portul industrial Marghera, departe de Grand Canal. În 2013, guvernul de atunci a interzis navelor de peste 96.000 de tone să traverseze canalul Giudecca, dar ulterior o instanță locală a anulat hotărârea. În 2017, un alt guvern a încercat din nou să interzică accesul navelor mari, care trebuiau să acosteze la Marghera. Înainte de pandemie, care a devastat industria croazierelor, Veneția se număra printre principalele atracții turistice din Italia, atrăgând peste 25 de milioane de vizitatori pe an.
Persons: Dario Franceschini, Reuters Organizations: Canal Locations: Veneția, Veneției, San Marco, Costa Concordia, toscane, Italia
Ziua de vineri 13 este un adevărat coșmar pentru superstițioși. Ziua de vineri 13 este în credința populară, o zi fatală în care se petrec nenorociri. Un alt preşedinte al SUA, Woodrow Wilson, a spus că numărul său norocos este 13, însă într-o zi de vineri 13 a suferit un infarct şi a fost la un pas de moarte, în timp ce se afla într-o vizită în Franţa. Tragedii ce au avut loc în ziua de vineri 13:Vineri, 13 ianuarie 1939, a pornit cel mai mare incendiu de vegetaţie din Australia, care a ucis 71 de persoane. Acest lucru şi din pricina faptului că oamenii, superstiţioşi, sunt mult mai grijulii într-o zi de vineri 13 decât în oricare altă zi a anului.
Persons: Filip al IV - lea al Franței, Adam, Noe, Iisus Hristos, Marţi, Eva, Franklin D . Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson Organizations: Marte, Concordia Locations: SUA, Franţa, Australia
Ziua de vineri 13 este un adevărat coșmar pentru superstițioși. Ziua de vineri 13 este în credința populară, o zi fatală în care se petrec nenorociri. Și chiar înainte de asta, ziua de vineri, dacă e 13, a fost asociată cu mai multe evenimente din mitologie şi istorie: alungarea din Rai a lui Adam şi a Evei, pornirea potopului lui Noe şi crucificarea lui Iisus Hristos. Tragedii ce au avut loc în ziua de vineri 13:Vineri, 13 ianuarie 1939, a pornit cel mai mare incendiu de vegetaţie din Australia, care a ucis 71 de persoane. Acest lucru şi din pricina faptului că oamenii, superstiţioşi, sunt mult mai grijulii într-o zi de vineri 13 decât în oricare altă zi a anului.
Persons: Filip al IV - lea al Franței, Adam, Noe, Iisus Hristos, Marţi, Eva, Franklin D . Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson Organizations: Publika, Marte, Concordia Locations: SUA, Franţa, Australia
Titanic a fost cel mai mare pachebot din lume în momentul plecării sale în călătoria inaugurală, din Southampton, Anglia, cu destinaţia New York, pe 10 aprilie 1912. Căpitanul picase examenul de navigaţieEdward John Smith, căpitanul Titanicului, a fost „victima” a numeroase mituri, în ultimii 103 ani. Când nava a început să se scufunde, a decis să înfrunte moartea cu demnitate. În realitate, pasagera Elizabeth Shutes a fost atât de deranjată de mirosul gheţii, încât nu a putut dormi. Un alt „ingredient” pentru dezastru a fost fenomenul de refracţie a luminii.
Persons: Titanic, James Cameron, Edward Lawrence, Charles Lightoller, pachebotul, William T ., William T . Stead, Stead, alţii, Edward John Smith, Mulţi, . Căpitanul Smith, Smith, Smith îşi, Hosono, Kate Florence Philips, Henry Morley, Kate, . Morley, îşi, Kate . Cuplul, Titanicul, Morley, Ellen, Worcester şi Ellen, Henry ., Beverley Farmer, Deborah Allen, Louise Patton, Robert Hitchins, Patton, Elizabeth Shutes, Elizabeth, Margaret Graham . Elizabeth, SS Carpathia, Celine Dion, Tim Maltin, Maltin Organizations: White Star Line, Majestic, Titanic, Worcester News, Stat, SS Locations: Southampton, Anglia, New York, Atlantic, pierzanie, Europa, Japonia, Titanic, Worcester, California, Worcester şi, britanici, Texas, Concordia, Costa Concordia
Total: 9